
MSF-Dashboard v0.9.0 - Developer documentation

[WARNING: MSF-Dashboard has been released in v1.0.0, developer documentation is currently being updated]

A lightweight and modular data visualization micro-website that can be offlined and adapted to various data-feeds.

Want to contribute to MSF-Dashboard? Please read

Installation and Usage

MSF Dashboard can be deployed in a variety of contexts. It is a micro-website which, in its 'essential' version, does not require more than a web browser (Firefox or equivalent or Chrome or equivalent, IE is support is not guaranteed at the moment).

The main constraints for installation are:

  • Online or offline implementation.
  • Connexion with data source.

The setup that are currently supported and have been tested include:

  • Offline implementation with nwjs micro-server (data parsed via excel-spreadsheets, csv, tsv, dedicated datamanager).
  • Online implementation without backend (data parsed via json file directly uploaded to the website).
  • Online implementation with backend (data parsed via various APIs ArcGIS online, KoBo...).

The technical side of a MSF-Dashboard deployment is generally a 3-steps process:

  • 1) Parsing and formatting data
  • 2) Configuring the MSF-Dashboard
  • 3) Hosting the MSF-Dashboard

Templates and Examples

The MSF-Dashboard community has created some templates and examples to help you generate and customize your own MSF-Dashboard. Here are a few public ones:

General Architecture

index.html                           - Defines the layout of the dashboard (charts position and identifiers). 
|                                      @see: Bootstrap grid system:  
├── dev/dev-defined.js               - Parameters to get and check medical and geometry data, define charts and maps.
|                                      @see: All the defined parameters are global and members of 'module:g'.
├── lang/module-lang.js              - Stores texts visible to the end user in available languages.
|                                      @see: 'module:module_lang'
├-- js/module-chartwarper.js         - [Optional] Warp charts/containers under tabs.
|                                      @see 'module:module_chartwarper'
└── js/main-loadfiles.js             - Combines functions of: requesting data from sources, reading and formatting
    |                                  data, connecting with other components.
    |                                  @see: 'module:main_loadfiles'
    ├── js/module-datacheck.js       - Medical data quality check and processing (runs through all the medical
    |                                  records).
    |                                  @see: 'module:module_datacheck'
    └── js/main-core.js              - Central component: setup and pulls the data in the charts and maps. Define  
        |                              the interactions. Connects with other components.
        |                              @see 'module:main_core'
        ├── js/module-interface.js   - A lateral menu and exta functionalities buttons for charts/maps. 
        |   |                          @see 'module:module_interface'
        |   |          
        |   └-- js/module-intro.js   - [Optional] intro.js to access quick interactive help: setup.
        |                              @see 'module:module_intro'
        ├-- js/module-datatable.js   - [Optional] datatables.js to display data: setup, display and interactions.
        |                              @see 'module:module_datatable'
        ├-- js/module-multiadm.js    - [Optional] Maps warper (tabs) and 'Goto' dropdown lists: setup, display and 
        |                              interactions.
        |                              @see 'module:module_multiadm'
        └-- js/module-colorscale.js  - [Optional] Provide functions to deal with maps colorscale (automatic 
                                       adaptation, diffrent computing methods - geostats.js - or color tones...).
                                       @see 'module:module_colorscale'

For More Information


MSF-Dashboard is copyright (c) 2016-present Bruno Raimbault and the contributors to MSF-Dashboard for MSF UK.

MSF-Dashboard is free software, licensed under the MIT License. See the file in this distribution for more details on the license and on dependencies.